The centenary celebration event of the founding of the Communist Party of China was hosted on July 1, 2021 according to the official state news. The picture attached is from the same event.
The centenary celebration event of the founding of the Communist Party of China was hosted on July 1, 2021 according to the official state news. The picture attached is from the same event.
Four Tibetans were trialed and adjudicated for 5 to 20 years according to a report by Human Rights Watch based in New York, USA. The four Tibetans were trialed without a fair trial process on the accusation of disrupting national security and social harmony. Tibetans, lay or monks alike are often denied of fair trial process and trialed quickly and heavily.
The Xi Jinping Thought on Rule of Law Research Center was inaugurated on June 27, 2021, according to the official state news. Xi now has achieved the highest political power in history; Hu Jin Tao and Jiang Zemin have never exercised such power during their term as the President.
Hong Kong based newspaper; Apple Daily’s chief editor and administrators were arrested according to international news reports. Apple daily is a bestselling and popular newspaper in Hong Kong. Immediately after the news broke about the arrest by the Chinese authorities, the daily readership of the newspaper increased five - fold.
It has been nine years since Xi Jinping taken over as the President of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) as the succession of Hu Jintao. China is still governed by one party rule of Chinese Communist Party (CCP). However, there have been significant differences
The Gu Chu Sum Movement Association of Tibet, along with four other Dharamsala-based NGOs marked a one-year countdown to the Beijing 2022 winter Olympics with a press conference followed by…
According to international reports, the Chinese government has been scheming to manufacture biological weapons since a decade ago and their ulterior motive to overtake US from the center of world politics. Chi Haotian, former Commander of the Chinese Military Commission has mentioned in an informal talk
Mao Zedong has referred US as “paper tiger”. He has called out US for its fearful impression on the outside and lack of it in the inside. European Union (EU) froze investment deal with China with an overwhelming majority of 599 votes for the motion on 20 May, 2021.
A Tibetan Political prisoner who died under mysterious circumstances was killed in Chinese police custody two years ago. Reports in exile confirmed that Norsang, a 36 years old Tibetan political prisoner, has died in custody more than a week after his arbitrary detention in 2019 at Tachen Township in Nagchu City, Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) or the traditional Tibetan province of Kham.
Adhe Tapontsang known affectionately as Ama Adhe, one of the longest-serving Tibetan political prisoners passed away at the age of 88 in Mcleodganj, Dhramshala. Born in 1932, Ama Adhe spent…