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Dispute Arose Over the Leadership of TAR

Recently the alteration occurred on leadership of Tibetan Autonomous Region from Chinese Comunist Party and People’s Democratic. Research shows, current election of leadership over TAR faced many disputes. Some appointed Tibetan leaders were left with few responsibility over TAR after inspections from CCP. But some leaders  acquired higher post and authority.

10th General meeting of TAR and CCP  is considered to be highest powered meeting which is hosted once in a five years. This year’s meeting discussed about the  implementation of CCP policy in TAR.

During 10th General Assembly, Republic of TAR brought changes on election of TAR governing officials. Republic appointed 15 members consists of 9 Chinese candidates and 6 Tibetan representatives. With the General Secretary being Chinese , Republic secured majority in both number and authority as well . Thus , proves the Tibetan’s limitation of rights over the Autonomous  region. During the Assembly , Democratic party of TAR’s Vice Chairman , Pema Wangdue, wasn’t appointed for the post of Vice Secretary despite him being most qualified, but also lost the committee membership seat.

On 18th January , held a meeting among leaders of Lhasa city to rectify the Republic of Lhasa’s leadership post. Pema Wangdue removed from the post of General Secretary of Lhasa Republic. And a newly arrived Yan Jinhai was appointed as the Chairman of Democratic party of TAR and the General Secretary of Lhasa Republic.

After the removal of Pema Wangdue , four Tibetans i.e., Phurbu Dhondup of Chamdo Republic , Karma Tsetan as Deputy Secretary and Regimental commander in TAR  , Dawa Tsering as Regimental commander in TAR  and Shawo Youtso are appointed as Executive member of TAR . After 18th National Assembly in 2012 , Republic China implemented a policy that took the nation’s military power under Assembly. Such event much depleted the military power of TAR and again Republic china appointed their own man Zhang Xuejie Military committee member. Based on analyses, may be the authority of Tibet military was raised due to the border dispute with India.

Translated from Tibetan Article

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